Menj Kena Tangkap?

There is this group of idiotic people who call themselves /k at Kopitiam LYN who are obsessed with the idea of menj kena tangkap . The only reason for their vitriol and vendetta towards menj youtube is simply because The Muslim Apologist have exposed these pukimak anak haram jadah for their lies, racism, xenophobia and their hatred towards Islam and the Muslims in general. They consist of fucked up racists, which I suspect are Cinapek tak potong kulup. You know, the kind of Cinabeng shitheads who think that speaking ching-chong makes them more superior than the rest of the world. That is the kind of mental people who boast about their "5000 years of culture". You can stuff your culture up a place where the sun does not shine, you cina babi . You know, the kind of melayu bodoh anak haram jadah who like to kangkang and henjut the Melayu boleh style, become a bohsia or a bohjan and buang anak tepi jalan like the pukimak bangsat they are, or like to becom...